Donald Schön |
Bibliography Donald
Schön Rationality in the Practical Decision-Process. Ph.D. thesis, University of Harvard [MS]. Wessell, A. and Schön, D.A. 'Appeal to Rule', Journal of Philosophy, vol.53 (January-December 1956), no.16, August 2 1956, pp.495-502 [J]. 'Procedural and Material Rules', Journal of Philosophy, vol.54 (January-December 1957), no.13, June 20 1957, pp.409-421 [J]. (a) 'Ultimate Rules and the Rational Settlement of Ethical Conflicts', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.19 (September 1958-June 1959), pp.53-64 [J]. (b) 'Comment on Mr. Hanson's "The Logic of Discovery"', Journal of Philosophy, vol.56 (January-December 1959), no.11, May 1959, pp.500-503 [J]. (c) 'Reviewed work(s): Ethics by P.H. Nowell-Smith',', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.19, no.3, March 1959, pp.412-414 [BR]. (a) 'Conflict, Functional and Formal', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.20 (September 1959-June 1960), pp.63-74 [J]. (b) 'Rationality in Retrospective and Prospective Deliberation', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.20 (September 1959-June 1960), pp. 477-486 [J]. (c) 'Are Creativity Tests Helpful?', Product Engineering, vol.22 (February 1960), pp.37-40 [M]. 'Playing the Ethical Game with Mr. Holmes', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.21 (September 1960-June 1961), pp.388-389 [J]. (a)'C. Wellman's The Language of Ethics', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.23 (September 1962-June 1963), no.1, p.138 [BR]. (b) 'Language and the Discovery of Reality by Joseph Church', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.23, no.1 (September 1962), pp.141-142 [BR]. (a) 'Champions for Radical New Inventions', Harvard Business Review, vol.41, no.2 (March 1963), pp.77-86 [J]. (b) 'Six Ways to Strangle Innovation', Think, vol.29, no.6 (July-August 1963), pp.28-32 [M]. (c) 'Patterns and Problems of Technical Innovation in American Industry', Arthur D. Little, Inc. Report for the National Science Foundation, Washington (DC): Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Services [R]. (d) 'Problems of Innovation in American Industry', Arthur D. Little, Inc. Report for the Department of Commerce, Washington (DC): Office of Technical Services [R]. (e) Displacement of Concepts. London: Tavistock Publications [B]. [ISBN: 978-0422710909] [Reprinted as Invention and the evolution of ideas (1967m), reprinted in 2003; transferred to digital printing in 2007; reprinted in 2011] (a) 'Innovation by Invasion', International Science and Technology, vol.27, pp.52-60 [M]. (b) 'Patterns of Good and Evil D.W. Gotshalk. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1963. Pp.xiv, 138', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.25 (December 1964), pp.277-279 [BR]. (c) 'Group Invention', Chemical Processing. * [M]. (a) 'The Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information', in M. Rubinoff (ed.) (1965), Toward a National Information System: Second Annual National Colloquium on Information Retrieval, Washington: Sparton Books, pp.27-34 [BC]. (b) 'Method in Ethical Theory' Abraham Edel', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.26, no.2, pp.291-292 [BR]. (a) 'The New Regionalism (Thinking Ahead)', Harvard Business Review, vol.44, no.1, pp.30-39, p.172, p.175 [J]. (b) 'The Fear of Innovation', International Science and Technology, vol.59, November 1966, pp.70-78 [M]. [Reprinted in: 1967f, 1969c, 1976h, 1982c] (a)
Technology and Change: the New Heraclitus, Oxford: Pergamon Press [B] (b) 'Alternative Futures' [discussion], Daedalus, vol.96, no.3, pp.667-679 [J]. (c) 'Forecasting and Technological Forecasting', Daedalus, vol.96, no.3, pp.759-770 [J]. (d) 'The Nature and Limitations of Forecasting' [discussion], Daedalus, vol.96, no.3, pp.936-947 [J]. (e) 'The Need for Normative Statements' [discussion], Daedalus, vol.96, no.3, pp.965-974 [J]. (f) 'The Fear of Innovation', in R.M. Hainer, S. Kingsbury and D.B. Gleicher (eds.) (1967), Uncertainty in Research, Management, and New Product Development, Arthur D. Little, Inc., New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, pp.11-25 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0278921290] [First published as 1966b] (g) 'The Research Director's Task', in R.M. Hainer, S. Kingsbury and D.B. Gleicher (eds.) (1967), Uncertainty in Research, Management, and New Product Development, Arthur D. Little, Inc., New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, pp.145-158 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0278921290] (h) 'Champions for Radical New Inventions', in R.M. Hainer, S. Kingsbury and D.B. Gleicher (eds.) (1967), Uncertainty in Research, Management, and New Product Development, Arthur D. Little, Inc., New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, pp.166-186 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0278921290] [First published as 1963a] (i) 'Innovation by Invasion', in R.M. Hainer, S. Kingsbury and D.B. Gleicher (eds.) (1967), Uncertainty in Research, Management, and New Product Development, Arthur D. Little, Inc., New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, pp.187-200 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0278921290] (j) 'Federal Aid to Research and Development', Report for Agnelli Foundation, Italy, Turin, November 1967 [R]. (k) 'Implementation', Report to the President's Crime Commission, Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (l) 'Technological Innovation in Small Business', Report to Senate Antitrust Subcommittee [R]. (m) Invention and the evolution of ideas, London: Tavistock Publications [B]. [ISBN 978-0422721608] [First published as Displacement of Concepts (1963e)] (a) 'Assimilation of Migrants into Urban Centers', in C. Bishop and G.L. Wilber (eds.) (1968), The People Left Behind: Rural Poverty in the United States: A Report by the President's National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty, Washington (DC): U.S. Government Printing Office, pp.267-287 [BC]. (b) 'Arthur Murphy on The Theory of Practical Reason', Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, vol.28, no.3, pp.423-429 [BR]. (c) 'Psychiatry and the History of Ideas' [discussion], International Journal of Psychiatry, vol.5, no.4 (April 1968), pp.320-327 [J]. (d) 'Government Spending and Private Development', Cry California (The Journal of California Tomorrow), vol.3, no.4 (Fall 1968), pp.32-40 [M]. (e) 'Epilogue', in E. Glatt and M.W. Shelly (eds.) (1968), The Research Society, New York, London, Paris: Gordon and Breach, pp.525-538 [BC]. (f) 'The Blindness System in the United States', Report, Washington, (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (g) 'Technology and Social Change', Paper for Symposium of the Post Industrial Society, Tokyo (Japan): Techno Society, September 1968 [R]. (h) 'Foreword', in L.J. Duhl and R.L. Leopold (eds.) with the assistance of M.C. Gillmor (1968), Mental health and urban social policy: a casebook of community actions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass [BC]. (a) 'The Loss of the Stable State', in H.W. Richardson and D.R. Cutler (eds.) (1969), Transcendence, Boston (MA): Beacon Press, pp.64-84 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0807011652] (b) 'The Diffusion of Innovation', Innovation, no.6, pp.42-53 [M]. (c) 'The Fear of Innovation', in D. Allison (ed.) (1969), The R&D Game: Technical Men, Technical Managers, and Research Productivity, Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press, pp.119-134 [BC]. [First published as 1966b] (d) 'Business as a Vehicle for the Diffusion of Innovation', in E. Goldston, H.C. Morton and G.N. Ryland (eds.) (1969), The American Business Corporation: New Perspectives on Profit and Purpose, Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, pp.305-331 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0262571814] (e) 'Tenant Management', Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (f) Teknologi och förändring, Stockholm: Norstedts [B]. [transl. A.Jonason] [Translation into Swedish of Technology and Change (1967a)] (g) Menzel, H. and Schön, D.A. 'Comments on Section 1 Innovation: The Development and Utilization of Technology', in W.H. Gruber and D.G. Marquis (eds.) (1969), Factors in the Transfer of Technology-Papers presented at the MIT Conference on the Human Factor in the Transfer of Technology (May 1966), Cambridge, (MA): MIT Press, pp.82-88 [BC]. (a) 'The Future of American Industry', The Listener, vol.84, no.2153 (2 July 1970), pp.8, 9, 10, 12 [M]. (b) 'The Loss of the Stable State' (Reith Lecture Number 1), The Listener, vol.84, no.2173 (19 November 1970), pp.685-688 [M]. [link] (c) 'Dynamic Conservatism' (Reith Lecture Number 2), The Listener, vol.84, no.2174 (26 November 1970), pp.724-728 [M]. [link] (d) 'In the third of the Reith Lectures Donald Schön discusses the evolution of the business firm' (Reith Lecture Number 3), The Listener, vol.84, no.2175, pp.772-776 [M]. [link] (e) 'In the fourth of the Reith Lectures Donald Schön describes how innovation spreads' (Reith Lecture Number 4), The Listener, vol.84, no.2176 (December 1970), pp.810-813 [M]. [link] (f) 'In the fifth Reith Lecture, Donald Schön discusses government as a learning system' (Reith Lecture Number 5), The Listener, vol.84, no.2177 (17 December 1970), pp.835-838 [M]. [link] (g) 'In the last of the Reith Lectures, Donald Schön asks: what can we know about social change?' (Reith Lecture Number 6), The Listener, vol.84, no.2178 (24 December 1970), pp.874-877 [M]. [link] (h) 'The Blindness System', The New Outlook for the Blind, vol.64, no.6 (June 1970), pp.169-180 [J]. (i) 'The Blindness System', The Public Interest, vol.18 (Winter 1970), pp.25-38 [J]. (j) 'Comments on Educating Planners: Notes towards a Planning Curriculum', Journal of American Institute of Planners, vol.36, no.4, pp.220-221 [J]. (k) 'Transition', Journal of the Industrial Designers of America, March 1970, pp.2-8 [M]. (l) 'Problems in Implementation', in A. Blumstein, M. Kamrass and A.B. Weiss (eds.) (1970), Systems Analysis for Social Problems, Washington (DC): Washington Operations Research Council, pp.26-36 [BC]. (m) 'Technology and Social Change', in Y. Hayashi (ed.) (1970), Perspectives on Post-Industrial Society, Tokyo (Japan): University of Tokyo, pp.1-34 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0860080664] (n) 'The Regional Medical Program', Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (o) 'Comprehensive Planning in San Diego', Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (p) 'An Approach to Evaluation for the Regional Medical Program', in Proceedings: Regional Medical Programs: National Conference and Workshop on Evaluation, 1970', (Chicago, Illinois, September 28-30, 1970) Chicago (IL): University of Chicago, Center for Continuing Education/US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, pp.1-20 [R]. (a) Beyond the Stable State: Public and private learning in a changing society, London: Maurice Temple Smith [B]. [ISBN 978-0851170084] or New York: W. W. Norton & Company [ISBN 978-0393006858] or New York: Random House [ISBN 978-0394472935] [Swedish: 1972b; Reprinted 1973e; German: 1988j] (b) 'Implementing Programs of Social and Technological Change', Technological Review, vol.73, no.4 (February 1971), pp.47-51 [M]. (c) 'Maintaining an Adaptive National Government', in H.S. Perloff (ed.) (1971), The Future of the United States Government: Toward the Year 2000 (A Report from the Commission on the Year 2000 of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences), New York: Braziller (Englewood, NJ, Prentice-Hall, Prism Paperback edition, 1972), pp.209-231 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0807606094] (d) 'Forecasting in Social Sciences', Social Science Research Council Newsletter, Number 11 (March 1971), pp.11-12 [M]. (e) 'Innovation in building', RIBA Journal, vol.78, no.8, pp.337-338 [M]. (f) 'Innovation in Building', Paper read at the 1971 Conference of the Royal Institute of British Architects [P]. (g) 'Technological Determinism', Unpublished paper [P]. (a) 'Technology and Business', in A. Mencher (ed.) (1972), Management and Technology, London: Inforlink, for the Science Policy Foundation, volume 1, Chapter 6, pp.6·1 to 6·14 [BC]. (b) 'Blindgångare mot framtiden', Stockholm: Norstedts. [B]. [ISBN 978-9117212810] [transl. H. Plogvall] [Translation into Swedish of Beyond the Stable State (1971a)] (c) 'Business as a vehicle for the diffusion of innovation', in E. Goldston (ed.) The American Business Corporation: New perspectives on Profit and Purpose, Cambridge: MIT Press. pp.305-331 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0262070522] (d) Duhl, L.J. and Schön, D.A. 'Deliberate Social Change in the City: List of Suggested Readings', (Exchange Bibliography #250), Monticello (IL): Council of Planning Librarians [P]. (a) 'A Study of Field Experience', Unpublished memorandum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [P]. (b) 'Higher Education in Massachusetts', Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (c) 'The Corrections System of Minnesota', Washington (DC): Organization for Social and Technological Innovation [R]. (d) Schön, D.A., Osterman, P., Sheldon, N. and Perry, C. 'A Study of Alumni of MIT's School of Architecture and Planning', Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Unpublished report 7 (October) [R]. [Rewritten in 1976k] (e) Beyond the Stable State: Public and private learning in a changing society, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (The Norton Library) (Reprint of 1971a) [ISBN 978-0393006858] [Swedish: 1972b; German: 1988j; extract in 2010b] (a) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional Effectiveness, San Francisco (CA): Jossey-Bass Publishers [B]. [ISBN 978-0875892306] [Reprinted in 1992] [French: 1999b] (b) 'Planning and Managing Change', The Bureaucrat, vol.3, no.2 (July 1974), pp.153-161 [M]. (c) 'As I See It, Why People Can't Cope', Forbes, 1 October 1974, pp.61-62 [M]. (d) 'The Technology of Public Learning', in G. McCarthy (ed.) (1974), Industrial Australia, 1975-2000: Preparing for Change, Papers read at the 40th Summer School of the Australian Institute of Political Science, 26-28 January 1974, Brookvale (NSW): Australia and New Zealand Book Company/ Australian Institute of Political Science, pp.43-82 [BC]. (e) 'The Technology of Public Learning', February 1974, Paper available at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [P]. (f) 'A Report on Field Experience and Professional Education in M.I.T.'s School of Architecture and Planning', Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology [R]. (g) 'Review of On Learning to Plan and Planning to Learn by Donald Michael; Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1973', Typed paper, dated August 1974 [BR]. (h) On Learning to Plan and Planning to Learn by Donald Michael; Jossey-Bass, San Francisco', AIP Journal [BR]. * (i) The Design Process, Unpublished draft manuscript, August 1974 [P]. (j) Schön, D.A. and Hosken, F.P. Urban neighborhoods, New York: J. Norton Publishers [Sound recording]. (k) Schön, D.A. and Nutt, T.E. Endemic Turbulence: The Future for Planning Education, in D.R. Godschalk (ed.) (1974), Planning in America: Learning from Turbulence, Washington (DC), American Institute of Planners, pp.181-205 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0318130538] (a) 'Deutero-Learning in Organizations-Learning for Increased Effectiveness', Organizational Dynamics, vol.4, no.1 (Summer 1975), pp.2-16 [J]. (b) 'A Case History Pertinent to Public Learning', Office of Education [R]. (a) 'Consumerism in Perspective', in M. Gardiner Jones and D.M. Gardner (eds.) (1976), Consumerism: A New Force in Society, Lexington (MA): D.C. Heath, pp.1-19 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0669007053] (b) 'Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism by Daniel Bell', Sloan Management Review, vol.17, no.3 (Spring 1976), pp.92-95 [BR]. (c) 'Dissolution of the stable state', Bankers' Magazine, vol.CCXX, no.1584 (March 1976), pp.11-12 [M]. (d) 'Policy: Where Do We Go From Here?', in M.R. Redden and W. Schwandt (eds.) (1976), Science, Technology and the Handicapped, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Report No.76-R-11, August 1976, pp.47-49 [J]. (e) 'Whatever Happened to Curriculum Reform?', The National Elementary Principal, vol.56, no.1 (September-October 1976), pp.28-31 [M]. (f) 'Power and the Corporate Mind by Abraham Zeleznick and Manfred Kets de Vries', Journal of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, vol.3, nos. 1 and 2, 1976, pp.85-89 [BR]. (g) 'What is an Organization That It May Learn?', Paper delivered to the International Conference on Training and Development, Canberra, Australia, August 1976 [P].* (h) 'The fear of innovation', in R.R. Rothberg (ed.) (1976), Corporate strategy and product innovation, New York (NY): The Free Press and London: Collier Macmillan, pp.36-45 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0029275009] [First published as 1966b] (i) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Evaluating Theories of Action', in W.G. Bennis, K.D. Benne, R. Chin and K.E. Corey (eds.) (1976), The Planning of Change, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, pp.137-146 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0030636820] [Reprint from 1974a] (j) Schön, D.A. and Bamberger, J. 'The Figural/Formal Transaction' , Division for Study and Research in Education working paper, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1976 (First version) [P]. (k) Schön, D.A., Sheldon Cremer, N., Osterman, P. and Perry, C. 'Planners in Transition: Report on a survey of alumni of M.I.T.'s Department of Urban Studies, 1960-71', American Institute of Planners Journal, vol.42 (April 1976), pp.193-202 [J]. (Undated, c.1976) Jones, H., Ransom, P. and Schön, D.A. 'Informal Social Networks Among the Elderly in Cambridge', Massachusetts, Unpublished paper, Massachusetts Institute of Technology [P]. (a) 'Network-Related Intervention', Unpublished draft paper dated August 1977 prepared for the National Institute of Education, Washington, D.C. [P]. (b) 'Urban Innovation', Keynote Address, Urban Innovation Conference, York University, Toronto [Rewritten and published as 1980a] (c) Rein, M. and Schön, D.A. 'Problem-Setting in Policy Research', in C. Weiss (ed.) (1977), Using Social Research in Public Policy Making, Lexington (MA): Lexington Books, pp.235-251 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0669004984] (d) Schön, D.A. and Ronco, W. 'Knowledge-in-Practice: An Inquiry into Real-World Cognition in Professional Practice', Unpublished Report to the Lily Endowment, May 1977 [R]. (a) 'Network-Related Intervention', Essay commissioned and distributed by the National Institute of Education, November 1978 [R]. (b) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective', Reading (MA): Addison-Wesley [B]. [ISBN 978-0201001747] (c) Schön, D.A. and Bamberger, J. 'The Figural/Formal Transaction', Cambridge: Division for Study and Research in Education, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fall 1978, DSRE Working papers WP-1. (Second version) [R]. (a) 'Generative Metaphor: A Perspective on Problem-Setting in Social Policy', in A. Ortony (ed.) (1979), Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.254-283 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0521227278] (b) 'Public service organizations and the capacity for public learning', International Social Science Journal, vol.31, no.4, pp.682-695 [J]. (c) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'The Role of Failure in Double-Loop Learning', Unpublished memorandum [P]. (a) 'Framing and Reframing the Problems of Cities', in D. Morley, S. Proudfoot and T. Burns (eds.) (1980), Making Cities Work, London: Croom Helm, and Boulder (CO): Westview Press, pp.31-65 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0856649240] (b) 'Policy Planning as a Design Process', Human Settlement Issues, Occasional Paper No.12 of the Centre for Human Settlements, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (BC), Canada [P]. (c) 'Learning to Practice Psychotherapy: An Exploration of the Knowledge-in-Practice Implicit in a Case of Psychiatric Supervision', Journal of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, vol.7, nos.1 and 2, pp.37-60 [J]. (d) Bamberger, J. and Schön, D.A. 'The figural-formal transaction', Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology Division of Study and Research in Education Working Paper No.1 [P]. (a) 'A Review of The Federal Role in Curriculum Development, 1950-1980 by J.M. Atkin and Ernest House', Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, vol.3, no.5, pp.55-61 [BR]. (b) 'Learning a Language, Learning to Design', in W.L. Porter and M. Kilbridge (eds.) (1981), Architecture Education Study, Consortium of East Coast Schools of Architecture/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, vol.1, 1981, pp.339-471 [R]. (c) 'Measuring the Performance of Cities', Report to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce [R]. (d) 'Learning to Practice Psychotherapy: An Exploration of the Knowledge-in-Practice Implicit in a Case of Psychiatric Supervision', Typescript paper dated March 1981 [P]. (e) 'Intuitive thinking? A metaphor underlying some ideas of educational reform', Cambridge: Division for Study and Research in Education, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DSRE Working paper WP-8 [R]. (f) 'The national climate for technological innovation', in T.J. Kuehn and A.L. Porter (eds.) (1981), Science, technology, and national policy, Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press, pp.148-160 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0801413438 or ISBN 978-0801498763] (a) 'Some of What a Planner Knows - A Case-Study of Knowing-in-Practice', Journal of the American Planning Association, vol.48, no.3 (Summer 1982), pp.351-364 [J]. (b) 'Intuitive Thinking - a digression stimulated by U-shaped curves', in S. Strauss and R. Stavy (eds.) (1982), U-Shaped Behavioral Growth (Developmental Psychology Series), New York: Academic Press, pp.227-247 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0124333154] (c) 'The fear of innovation', in B. Barnes and D. Edge (eds.) (1982), Science in Context: Readings in the Sociology of Science, Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp.290-302 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0335100545] [First published as 1966b] (d) Bamberger, J. and Schön, D.A. 'Learning as reflective conversation with materials: Notes from Work in Progress', Cambridge (MA): Division for Study and research in Education. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. DSRE Working Paper 17, December 1982 [P]. (e) Schön, D.A. and Bamberger, J. 'Notes on Work in Progress', in M. Engel (ed.) (1982), Cognition in the Arts [BC].* (f) Schön, D.A., Drake, W.D. and Miller, R.I. 'Nutrition Intervention and Evaluation: A Call for Reflection-in-Action', Report, Ann Arbor (MI): Community Systems Foundation, 22 November 1982 [R]. (a) The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action, New York: Basic Books [B]. [ISBN 978-0465068784 (paperback) 978-0465068746 (hardcover)] London: Maurice Temple Smith ltd. [ISBN 978-0851172316] [Italian: 1993b; French: 1994c; Spanish: 1998c; Danish: 2001b; partly reprinted in 2008; partly included in e-book in 2016] (b) 'Organizational Learning', in G. Morgan (ed.) (1983), Beyond Method: Strategies for Social Research Newbury Park, London and New Delhi: Sage Publications, pp.114-128 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0803920781] (c) 'Education for Reflection-in-Action: An Alternative to the Positivist Epistemology of Practice', in K.E. Boulding and L. Senesh (eds.) (1983), The Optimum Utilization of Knowledge Boulder (CO): Westview Press, pp.314-332 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0865315440] (d) 'Network-Related Intervention', Re-draft of 1977a, dated March 1983 [P]. [Published as 1989c] (e) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Editorial', Journal of Management Studies, vol.20, no.1, pp.3-5 [J]. (f) Bamberger, J. and Schön, D.A. 'Learning as Reflective Conversation with Materials: Notes from Work in Progress', Art Education, vol.36, no.2 (March 1983), pp.68-73 [J]. (g) Drake, W.D., Miller, R.I. and Schön, D.A. 'The Study of community-level nutrition interventions: an argument for reflection-in-action', Human Systems Management, vol.4, pp.82-97 [J]. (a) 'Design: a process of enquiry, experimentation and research', Design Studies, vol.5, no.3 (July 1984), pp.130-131 [J]. (b) 'Problems, Frames and Perspectives on Designing', Design Studies, vol.5, no.3 (July 1984), pp.132-136 [J]. (c) 'The Architectural Studio as an Exemplar of Education for Reflection-in-Action', Journal of Architectural Education, vol.38, no.1 (Fall 1984), pp.2-9 [J]. (d) 'Faith in the Rational Leap: Social Science Research and Crisis Relocation Planning', in J. Leaning and L. Keyes (eds.) (1984), The Counterfeit Ark: Crisis Relocation for Nuclear War, Cambridge (MA): Ballinger Press, pp.24-47 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0884109402] (e) 'Leadership as Reflection-in-Action', in T.J. Sergiovanni and J.E. Corbally (eds.) (1984), Leadership and Organizational Culture, Urbana and Chicago (IL): University of Illinois Press, pp.36-63 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0252013478] (f) 'Educating for Reflection-in-Action', in W.R. Boulton (ed.) (1984), Case Research Journal 1984, Athens (GA): University of Georgia Case Research Association, pp.3-24 [J]. (g) 'Educating for Reflection-in-Action', Harvard Business School Colloquium Paper, April 1984 [P]. (h) 'The Crisis of Professional Education and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice', Research Paper, 75th Anniversary Series, Harvard Business School [P]. [First published as 1987e] (i) 'Die Kunst zu führen: Reflektierendes Handeln innerhalb. E. betriebl. Lernsystems', GDi Impuls: eine Publikation des Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Instituts für Entscheidungsträger in Wirtschaft u. Gesellschaft, vol.2 (4), pp.47-51 [J]. (j) Schön, D.A., Drake, W.D. and Miller, R.I. 'Social Experimentation as Reflection-in-Action - Community Level Nutrition Intervention Revisited', Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, Utilization, vol.6, no.1 (September 1984), pp.5-36 [J]. (a) The Design Studio: An Exploration of its Traditions and Potentials,London, RIBA Publications Limited for RIBA Building Industry Trust [B]. [ISBN 978-0947877453] (b) 'Revitalising Western Economies - A New Agenda for Business and Government by Russell L. Ackoff, Paul Broholm, and Roberta Snow', Human Resource Management vol.24, no.3, Fall 1985, pp.357-361 [BR]. (c) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A.'Evaluating Theories of Action', in W.G. Bennis, K.D. Beune and R. Chin (eds.) (1985), The Planning of Change New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (4th edition), pp.108-117 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0030636820] (d) 'Conversational Planning', in W.G. Bennis, K.D. Beune and R. Chin (eds.) (1985), The Planning of Change New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (4th edition), pp.247-253 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0030636820] (e) 'Uncertainty & Risk', Harvard Business Review, vol.63, no.6 (November-December), p110 [J]. (f) Schön, D.A., Curtis, W.R. and Yessian, M.R. 'The Editors Interview Donald A. Schön', New England Journal of Human Services, vol.5, no.2, Summer 1985, pp.6-15 [M]. (a) 'Toward a New Epistemology of Practice', in B. Checkoway (ed.) (1986), Strategic Perspectives on Planning Practice Lexington: Lexington Books, pp.231-249 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0669142273] (b) 'Making Meaning: An Exploration of Artistry in Psychoanalysis', The Annual of Psychoanalysis vol.14, edited by the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis, Madison (CT): International Universities Press, Inc., pp.301-316 [J]. (c) 'Toward a New Epistemology of Practice: A Response to the crisis of professional knowledge', in A. Thomas and E.W. Ploman (eds.) (1986), Learning and Development: A Global Perspective, Ontario (Canada): Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, pp.56-79 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0774402927] (d) Schön, D.A. and DeSanctis, V. 'The reflective practitioner: how professionals think in action', The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, vol.34, no.3, pp.29-30 [J]. (a) Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions, San Francisco (CA): Jossey-Bass [B]. [ISBN 978-1555422202 (paperback), 978-15554220253 (hardcover)] [Spanish: 1992b; Portuguese: 2000a; Danish: 2013] (b) 'Changing Patterns of Inquiry in Work and Living' (The Thomas Cubitt Lecture), Journal of the Royal Society of Arts, vol.CXXXV, no.5367, pp.225-237 [J]. (c) 'Institutional learning in shelter and settlement policies', in L. Rodwin (ed.) (1987), Shelter, Settlement and Development Boston (MA): Allen and Unwin, pp.360-378 [BC]. (d) 'Context and dynamics in clinical knowledge, by Howard F. Stein and Maurice Apprey', Social Science and Medicine, vol.24, no.9, pp.789-790 [BR]. (e) 'The Crisis of Professional Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice', in R. Christiansen (ed.) Teaching and the Case Method: text, cases, and readings Boston (MA): Harvard Business School, pp.241-253 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0875841786] [Reprinted in 1992f] [ISBN 978-0875844039] [3rd edition changed title to: 'Teaching and the case method: giving customers what they want in an anytime, anywhere world.'] [Republished in 1987f, 1991e, 1992f, and 2001a.] (f) 'The Crisis of Professional Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice', in J.L. Aupitz, W. Gasparski, M.K. Mlicki and K. Szaniawsia (eds.) (1987), Praxiologies and the Philosophy of Economics, New Brunswick (USA) and London (UK): Transaction Publishers, pp.163-185 [BC]. [ISBN 978-1560000037] [Republished in 1987e] (g) 'The Art of Managing: Reflection-in-Action within an Organizational Learning System', in P.R. Rabinow and W.M. Sullivan (eds.) (1987), Interpretive Social Science: A Second Look, Berkeley (CA): University of California Press, pp.302-326 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0520058385] (h) 'Stubborn policy controversies and frame reflection', Paper given at the University of Strathclyde, June 1987 [P]. (i) 'Educating the Reflective Practitioner', Presentation to the 1987 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington (DC) [P]. (j) Bucciarelli, L.L., Goldschmidt, G., Schön, D.A. 'Generic design process in architecture and engineering.', in Proceedings of the 1987 Conference on Planning and Design in Architecture (Proc 1987 Conf Plann Des Archit). pp.59-64 [BC]. (a) 'Coaching Reflective Teaching', in P.P. Grimmett and G.L. Erickson (eds.) (1988), Reflection in Teacher Education, New York: Teachers College Press and Vancouver BC: Pacific Educational Press. pp.19-29 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0807729496] (b) 'Designing: Rules, types and worlds', Design Studies, vol.9, no.3 (July 1988), pp.181-190 [J]. (c) 'From technical rationality to reflection-in-action', in J. Dowie and A.S. Elstein (eds.) (1988), Professional judgment: A reader in clinical decision making, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.60-77 [edited extracts from Chapter 2 of The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action] [BC]. [ISBN 978-0521346962] (d) 'Cornell: Marrying Science, Artistry, the Humanities, and Professional Practice', Keynote Address: Proceedings of the conference on: Professionalism, Vocationalism & Liberal Education, Ithaca (NY): Cornell University (Saturday 9 April 1988), pp.4-18 [P]. (e) 'Toward a Marriage of Artistry & Applied Science in the Architectural Design Studio', Toward a Marriage of Artistry & Applied Science in the Architectural Design Studio, vol.41, no.4 (Summer 1988), pp.4-10 [J]. (f) 'Reflection in and on the practice of occupational therapy: A research perspective', Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Phoenix (AZ) [P]. (g) 'Foreword', in R.M. Cervero (ed.) (1988), Effective continuing education for professionals, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.xi-xiii [BC]. [ISBN 978-0608215792] (h) 'Teachers as Reflective Practitioners', Talk given at the Annual Conference of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Orlando (FL) [P]. (i) 'Editorial', Design Studies, vol.9, no.3, pp.130-132 [J]. (j) Die lernende Gesellschaft, Neuwied: Luchterhand Verlag GmbH [B]. [ISBN 978-3472150022][transl. R. Jungh and K. Kühne]. [Translation into German of Beyond the Stable State (1971a)] (k) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Reciprocal integrity: Creating conditions that encourage personal and organizational integrity', in S. Srivastva (ed.) (1988), Executive integrity: The search for high human values in organizational life, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.197-222 [BC]. [ISBN 978-1555420857] (l) Turkle, S. and Schön, D.A. 'Project Athena at MIT: An Overview', MIT Internal Report (May 1988) in S. Turkle, D.A. Schön, B. Nielsen, M.S. Orsini, and W. Overmeer (1988), Project Athena at MIT, Internal report, Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp.1-15 [R]. (m) Overmeer, W. and Schön, D.A. 'Project Athena at MIT: Computing in the Department of Civil Engineering', MIT Internal Report (May 1988) in S. Turkle, D.A. Schön, B. Nielsen, M.S. Orsini, and W. Overmeer (1988), Project Athena at MIT, Internal report, Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pp.50-109 [R]. (a) 'A Symposium on Schön's Concept of Reflective Practice: Critiques, Commentaries, Illustrations: Quotations', Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, vol.5, no.1 (Fall 1989), pp.6-9 [J]. (b) 'Professional knowledge and reflective practice', in T.Sergiovanni and J. Moore (eds.) (1989), Schooling for Tomorrow: Directing reforms to issues that count, Boston (MA): Allyn and Bacon, pp.188-206 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0205116904] (c) 'L'intervento pubblico sulle reti sociali informali', Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione, no.1, pp.3-47 [P]. [transl. G.F. Lanzara] (d) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Participatory Action Research and Action Science Compared: A Commentary', American Behavioral Scientist, vol.32, no.5 (May-June), pp.612-623 [J]. (e) Schön, D.A. 'A generic design process', Lecture delivered at Iowa State University on April 28, 1989. [Lecture]. (f) Schön, D.A. and Bucciarelli, L.L. 'Design Theory and Methods -- An Interdisciplinary Approach', in S.L. Newsome, W.R. Spillers, and S. Finger (eds.) (1989) Design Theory '88. Proceedings of the 1988 NSF Grantee Workshop on Design Theory and Methodology. New York: Springer Verlag, pp.29-35 [BC]. (a) 'The Design Process', in V. Howard (ed.) (1990), Varieties of Thinking: Essays from Harvard's Philosophy of Education Research Center, Philosophy of Education Research Library, New York and London: Routledge, pp.110-141 [BC]. [ISBN 78-0415900850] (b) 'The theory of inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education', Paper presented at Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association [P]. (c) 'Causality and Causal Inference in the Study of Organizations', Paper presented at the Colloquium on the Epistemology on the Social Sciences, University of Southern California, November 1990 [P]. [Published in 1995b] (d) 'The Theory of Inquiry: Dewey's legacy to education', Second lecture. Keynote talk, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, Israel [P]. (e) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Normal Science and Action Science Compared', Unpublished paper, Cambridge (MA): Massachusetts Institute of Technology [P]. (f) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Two conceptions of causality: The case of organizational theory and behavior', Working paper, Harvard Business School and Department of Urban Planning, MIT, Cambridge (MA) [P]. (g) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Conceptions of Causality in Social Theory and Research: Normal Science and Action Science Compared', Unpublished manuscript, Harvard University [MS]. (a) 'Introduction', in D.A. Schön (ed.) (1991), The Reflective Turn: Case Studies In and On Educational Practice, New York and London: Teachers College Press, pp.1-12 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0807730454 (paperback) and 978-0807730461 (hardcover)] [French: 1996b; Chinese: 2010a] (b) 'Concluding Comments', in D.A. Schön (ed.) (1991), The Reflective Turn: Case Studies In and On Educational Practice, New York and London: Teachers College Press, pp.343-359 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0807730454 (paperback) and 978-0807730461 (hardcover)] [French: 1996c; Chinese: 2010] (c) 'Across the Divide: After-Shocks of a Cultural Earthquake' [Book review of Disappearing Through the Skylight: Culture and Technology in the Twentieth Century by O.B. Hardison], Change, vol.23, no.2 (March/April), pp.51-53 [BR]. (d) 'Foreword', in W.R. Torbert (1991), The Power of Balance: Transforming self, society, and scientific inquiry, Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications, pp.xi-xiv [BC]. [ISBN 978-0803940673] (e) 'La crisis del conocimiento profesional y la búsqueda de una epistemología de la práctica', in M. Pakman (ed.) (1991), Construcciones de la experiencia humana, Volume I. Barcelona: Gedisa [BC]. [Translation into Spanish of 1987e] (f) 'Designing as Reflective Conversation with the Materials of a Design Situation', Keynote talk for the Edinburgh Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design (25 June 1991) [P]. (g) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Participatory Action Research and Action Science Compared: A Commentary', in W.F. Whyte (ed.) (1991), Participatory action research, Newbury Park (CA): Sage Publications, pp.85-96 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0803937437] (h) Bamberger, J. and Schön, D.A. 'Learning as Reflective Conversation with Materials', in F. Steier (ed.) (1991), Research and Reflexivity: Inquiries in Social Construction, London: Sage Publications, pp.186-209 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0803982390] (i) Rein, M. and Schön, D.A. 'Frame-reflective policy discourse', in P. Wagner, C. Weiss, B. Wittrock and H. Wollman (eds.) (1991), Social Sciences and Modern States: National Experiences and Theoretical Crossroads, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.262-289 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0521381987] (j) Zuboff, S., Sutherland, W.R., Wladawsky-Berger, I., Senge, P.M., Argyris, C., Schön, D.A., Ciborra, C.U., Winograd, T., Guile, B.R., Kraut, R.E., Yoshida, K., Fisher, P.A., Nakanishi, M. and Wasserman, A.S. 'Can Research Reinvent the Corporation?' [Discussion], Harvard Business Review, vol.69, no.2 (March/April), pp.164-175 [J]. (a) 'The Theory of Inquiry: Dewey's Legacy to Education', Curriculum Inquiry, vol.22, no.2, pp.119-139 [J]. (b) 'La formación de profesionales reflexivos: Hacia un nuevo diseño de las enseñanza y el aprendizaje en las profesiones', Ediciones Paidós, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Mexico, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia [B]. [ISBN 978-8475097305] [transl. L. Montero and J. Manuel Vez Jeremias] [Translation into Spanish of 1987a] (c) 'Business firms as learning systems', in H.M. Strage (ed.) (1992), Milestones in Management: An Essential Reader, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.399-409 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0631176251] (d) 'Educating for Reflection-in-Action', in J.M. Choukroun and R.M. Snow (eds.) (1992), Planning for Human Systems: Essays in Honor of Russell L. Ackoff, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp.142-161 (An e-book was published in 2016) [BC]. [ISBN 978-0812231281] (e) 'Teaching and learning as a design transaction', in N. Cross, K. Dorst and N. Roozenburg (eds.) (1992), Research in design thinking, Delft (The Netherlands): University of Delft Press, pp.21-35 [BC]. [ISBN 978-9062757961] (f) 'The crisis of professional knowledge and the pursuit of an epistemology of practice', Journal of Interprofessional Care, vol.6, no.1, 1992, pp.49-63 [J]. (g) 'Formar professores como profissionais reflexivos', in A. Nóvoa (ed.) (1992), Os Professores e a Sua Formação Lisboa (Portugal): Publicações Dom Quixote, Instituto de Inovação Educacional (second edition 1995) pp.77-91 [BC]. [ISBN 978-8475097305] [transl. G. Cunha, C. Hespanha, C. Afonso, and J.A. Sousa Tavares] (h) 'Designing as Reflective Conversation with the Materials of a Design Situation', Research in Engineering Design, vol.3, no.3, 1992, pp.131-147 [J]. (i) 'La métaphore générative: Une façon de voir la formulation de problème dans les politiques sociales', in R. Tessier and Y. Tellier (eds.) (1992), Méthodes d'intervention. Consultation et formation, Québec (Canada): Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp.311-344 [BC]. [transl. L. Roquet and Y. St-Arnaud] [ISBN 978-2760506183] (j) 'Designing as Reflective Conversation with the Materials of a Design Situation', Knowledge-Based Systems, vol.5, no.1, pp.3-14 [J]. (k) 'Learning to Design and Designing to Learn', Proceedings of International Conference on Theories and Methods of Design, Göteborg, 1992 [P].* (l) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Introduction to the Classic Paperback' in reprint of C. Argyris and D.A. Schön (1974), Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional Effectiveness, San Francisco (CA): Jossey-Bass, pp.xi-xxvi [BC]. (m) Schön, D.A. and Wiggins, G. 'Kinds of seeing and their functions in designing', Design Studies, vol.13, no.2 (July 1992), pp.135-156 [J]. (n) Schön, D.A. and Wiggins, G. 'Kinds of seeing in Designing', Creativity and Innovation Management, vol.1, no.2, pp.68-74 [J]. (a) 'Social Theory for Action: How Individuals and Organizations Learn to Change: William Foote Whyte', Administrative Science Quarterly, vol.38, no.1, 1993, pp.149-154 [BR]. (b) Il Professionista Riflessivo: Per una Nuova Epistemologia della Pratica Professionale, Bari (Italy): Edizioni Dedalo [B]. [ISBN 978-8822061522] [transl. A. Barbanente] [Translation into Italian of 1983a] (c) 'Introduzione all'edizione italiana', in D.A. Schön (1993b), Il Professionista Riflessivo: Per una Nuova Epistemologia della Pratica Professionale, Bari (Italy): Edizioni Dedalo, pp.7-24 [BC]. [transl. A. Barbanente] (d) 'Learning to Design and Designing to Learn', Nordisk Arkitekturforskning, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, no.1, pp.55-70 [J]. (e) 'Reflection-in-Action', in J. Walmsley, J. Reynolds, P. Shakespeare and R. Woolfe (eds.) (1993), Health, Welfare, and Practice, London: Newbury Park, and New Delhi: Sage Publications in association with the Open University, pp.16-20 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0803987951] (f) 'Teaching and Learning as a Reflective Conversation', in L.M. Mesa and J.M. Vez-Jeremias (eds.) (1993), Las Didácticas Específicas en la Formación del Profesorado (I): Conferencias, Ponencias, Sesion Simultanea, Santiago de Compostela (Spain): Tórculo Edicións, pp.5-27 [BC]. (g) 'Generative metaphor: A perspective on problem-setting in social policy', in A. Ortony (ed.) (1993), Metaphor and Thought, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Second, revised, edition), pp.137-163 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0521405614] (h) Rein, M. and Schön, D.A. 'Reframing Policy Discourse', in F. Fischer and J. Forester (eds.) (1993), The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning, Raleigh-Durham (NC): Duke University Press, and London: UCL Press, pp.145-166 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0822313724] (a) 'Organisational Learning: the core issues', Office for Public Management, vol.10, pp.9-15 [P]. (b) 'Hirschman's Elusive Theory of Social Learning', in D.A. Schön and L. Rodwin (eds.) (1994), Rethinking the Development Experience: Essays Provoked by the Work of Albert O. Hirschman, Washington (DC): The Brookings Institution and Cambridge (MA): The Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp.67-95 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0815775515 (paperback) 978-0815775522 (hardcover)] (c) 'Le Praticien Réflexif: À la recherche du savoir caché dans l'agir professionnel' Montréal (Québec, Canada): Les Éditions Logiques, [B]. [transl. J. Heynemand and D. Gagnon] [Translation into French of 1983a.] [ISBN 978-2893812267] (d) 'Comments on Dilemmas of Planning Practice', Planning Theory, vol.10/11 (Winter 1993/Summer 1994), pp.131-139 [BR]. (e) 'An Autobiographical Note', Planning Theory, vol.12, pp.37-52 [J]. (f) 'Quelques questions à propos du concept d'apprentissage organisationnel', in F. Pavé (ed.) (1994), L'Analyse Stratégique: Sa genèse, ses applications et ses problèmes actuels: Autour de Michel Crozier, Paris (France): Éditions du Seuil, pp.220-228 [BC]. [ISBN 978-2020132039] [transl. A. Toppani] (g) 'Foreword', in R. Normann and R. Ramírez (1994), Designing Interactive Strategy: From Value Chain to Value Constellation, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, pp.ix-xiii [BC]. [ISBN 978-0471950868] (h) Schön, D.A. and Rein, M. Frame Reflection: Toward the Resolution of Intractable Policy Controversies, New York: Basic Books [B]. [ISBN 978-0465025121 or 978-0465025060 (hardcover)] (i) Schön, D.A. and Turkle, S. 'Project Athena at MIT', in D.A. Schön and M. Rein (1994), Frame Reflection: Toward the Resolution of Intractable Policy Controversies, New York: Basic Books, pp.91-128 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0465025121 or 978-0465025060 (hardcover)] (a) 'School Reform and the Dialogue of I, Thou, and It', Lecture presented as part of the SESP Dean's Distinguished Colloquium Series at Northwestern University [P]. (b) 'Causality and Causal Inference in the Study of Organizations', in R.F. Goodman and W.R. Fisher (eds.) (1995), Rethinking Knowledge: Reflections Across the Disciplines, New York: State University of New York Press, pp.69-101 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0791423387] (c) 'Educating the Reflective Legal Practitioner', Clinical Law Review, vol.2, no.1, pp.231-250 [J]. (d) 'Knowing-in-Action: The New Scholarship Requires a New Epistemology', Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, vol.27, no.6 (November/December), pp.26-34 [M]. (e) 'Reflective Inquiry in Social Work Practice', in P. McCartt Hess and E.J. Mullen (eds.) (1995), Practitioner-Researcher Partnerships: Building Knowledge from, in, and for Practice, Washington (DC): National Association of Social Workers Press, pp.31-82 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0871012524] (f) 'School Reform and the Dialogue of I, Thou, and It', Unpublished paper presented at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 3 March 1995 [P]. (g) 'Designing: Rules, types and worlds', in A. Collen and W.W. Gasparski (eds.) (1995), Design and Systems: General Applications of Methodology, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers [BC]. [ISBN 978-1560001874] [First published as 1988b] (h) 'Reflective practice: Its implications for classroom, administration and research', Paper presented to the Department of Language, Literacy and Arts Education, University of Melbourne (September 28, 1995) [P]. (i) 'Organizational learning and mediation', Guest lecture. Harvard University (May 1995) [P]. (j) Rosenfeld, J.M., Schön, D.A. and Sykes, I.J. Out from Under: Lessons from projects for inaptly served children and families, Jerusalem (Israel): JDC-Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Human Development [B]. (a) Binder, T. (with Schön, D.A.) 'Learning and knowing with artifacts: An interview with Donald A. Schön', AI & Society, vol.10, no.1 (March), pp.51-57 [J]. (b) 'Introduction', in D.A. Schön (ed.) (1996), Le Tournant Réflexif: Pratiques éducatives et études de cas, Montréal (Québec, Canada): Les Éditions Logiques, pp.17-36 [BC]. [ISBN 978-2893812472] [transl. J. Heynemand and D. Gagnon] [Translation into French of 1991a] (c) 'Commentaires et conclusion', in D.A. Schön (ed.) (1996), Le Tournant Réflexif: Pratiques éducatives et études de cas, Montréal (Québec, Canada): Les Éditions Logiques, pp.503-526 [BC]. [ISBN 978-2893812472] [transl. J. Heynemand and D. Gagnon] [Translation into French of 1991b] (d) Learning through reflection on conversations: In Conversation with Donald Schön' [ed. D. O'Reilly], Capability, vol.2, no.2, pp.12-16 [J]. [Reprinted in 1999 O'Reilly] (e) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice', Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co. (Second version of C. Argyris and D.A. Schön (1978)) [B]. [ISBN 978-0201629835 (paperback)] [Italian: 1998a; German: 1999a; French: 2002; Traditional Chinese: 2006; Chinese: 2011b] (f) Schön, D.A. and Bennett, J. 'Reflective Conversation with Materials - an interview with Donald Schön by John Bennett', in T. Winograd (ed.) (1996), Bringing Design to Software, Reading (MA): Addison-Wesley, pp.171-184 [BC]. [ISBN 978-5342854916] (g) Rein, M. and Schön, D.A. 'Frame-critical policy analysis and frame-reflective policy practice', Knowledge and Policy: The International Journal of Knowledge Transfer and Utilization, vol.9, no.1 (Spring 1996), pp.85-104 [J]. (a) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Apprendimento Organizzativo - Teoria, Metodo e Pratiche, Milano: Guerini e Associati [B]. [ISBN 978-8878029170] [Transl. M. Marraffa] [Italian translation of Organizational learning II (1996d)] (b) Horgen, T., Joroff, M., Porter, W. and Schön, D.A. 'Process architecture: transforming the workplace for effective work', Employment Relations Today, vol.25, issue 3, pp.77-93 [J]. (c) El profesional reflexivo: Cómo piensan los profesionales cuando actúan, Barcelona, Paidós [B]. [ISBN 978-8449305566] [transl. J. Bayo] [Translation into Spanish of 1983a] (d) Schön, D.A. and McDonald, J.P. 'Doing What You Mean to Do in School Reform: Theory of Action in the Annenberg Challenge. Occasional Paper Series, No. 4.', Providence (RI): Brown University, Annenberg Institute for School Reform [P]. (a) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Die lernende Organisation: Grundlagen, Methode, Praxis, , Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel or Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag [B]. [ISBN 978-3791030012 or ISBN 978-3608918908] [transl. W. Riehl.] [Translation into German of Organizational learning II (1996d)] (b) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Théorie et Pratique professionnelle: Comment en accroître l'efficacité, Outremont (Québec): Les Éditions Logiques [B]. [ISBN 978-2893813714] [transl. J. Heynemand and D. Gagnon] [Translation into French of Theory in Practice: increasing Professional Effectiveness (1974a)] (c) Horgen, T.H., Joroff, M.L., Porter, W.L. and Schön, D.A. Excellence by Design: Transforming Workplace and Work Practice, New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. [B]. [ISBN 978-0471246473] (d) O'Reilly, D. (with Schön, D.A.) 'In Conversation with Donald Schön', in D. O'Reilly, L. Cunningham and S. Lester (eds.) (1999), Developing the Capable Practitioner, London: Kogan Page, pp.9-15 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0749428761] [Reprint of 1996c] (e) Sanyal, B. and Schön, D.A. 'Information Technology and Urban Poverty: The Role of Public Policy', in D.A. Schön, B. Sanyal, and W.J. Mitchell (eds.) (1999), High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology, Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, pp.371-393 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0262691994] (f) Schön, D.A. 'Introduction', in D.A. Schön, B. Sanyal, and W.J. Mitchell (eds.) (1999), High Technology and Low-Income Communities: Prospects for the Positive Use of Advanced Information Technology, Cambridge (MA): MIT Press, pp.1-22 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0262691994] (2000a) Schön, D.A. Educando o profissional reflexivo: Um novo design para o ensino e a aprendizagem, São Paulo, Artmed [B]. [ISBN 978-8536310121] [transl. R.C. Costa]. [Translation into Portuguese of Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions (1987a)] (2000b) Schön, D.A. 'Forecasting and Technological Forecasting', in D. Bell and S.R. Graubard (eds.) (1997), Toward the year 2000: Work in progress, Cambridge (MA) and London (England): The MIT Press, pp.127-138 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0262522373] [Reprint of 1967c] (2000c) 'Town Planning: Limits to Reflection-in-Action', in L. Rodwin and B. Sanyal (eds.) (2000), The Profession of City Planning: Changes, Images and Challenges 1950-2000, New Brunswick (NJ): Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (Center for Urban Policy Research), pp.62-83 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0882851662 and 978-0882851655] (2001a) Schön, D.A. 'The Crisis of Professional Knowledge and the Pursuit of an Epistemology of Practice', Chapter 13 in J. Raven and J. Stephenson (eds.) (2001) Counterpoints. Competence in the Learning Society, Volume 166, New York: Peter Lang, pp.183-207 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0820451640] [Reprint of 1987e] (2001b) Schön, D.A. Den Reflekterende praktiker. Hvordan professionelle tænker når de arbejder, Århus: Forlaget Klim [B]. [ISBN 978-8777249365] [transl. S. Fiil] [Danish translation of The Reflective practitioner (1983a)] (2001c) Schön, D.A. From Technical Rationality to reflection-in-action, Chapter 3 in Julia Clarke, Ann Hanson, Roger Harrison, Fiona Reeve (eds.) Supporting Lifelong Learning. Volume I: Perspectives on Learning. London: Routledge. [BC]. [ISBN 978-0203996287] [Reprint of The Reflective practitioner (1983a)] (2002a) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Apprentissage organisationnel. Théorie, méthode, pratique. Paris: DeBoeck Université [B]. [ISBN 978-2744500398] [transl. M. Aussanaire & P. Garcia-Melgares] [Translation into French of Organizational learning II (1996d)] (2002b) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. Die lernende Organisation: Grundlagen, Methode, Praxis (Second edition), Stuttgart: Schäffer-Poeschel or Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta Verlag [B]. [ISBN 978-3791030012 or ISBN 978-3608918908] [transl. W. Riehl.] [Translation into German of Organizational learning II (1996d)] (2002c) Schön, D.A. 'From technical rationality to reflection-in-action.', in Julia Clarke, Ann Hanson, Roger Harrison, Fiona Reeve (eds.) (2002) Supporting Lifelong Learning. Volume I: Perspectives on Learning London & New York: Routledge + Open University, pp.40-61 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0415259279] [Reprint of 1988c?] (2003) Schön, D.A. Displacement of Concepts, Cambridge: Tavistock Press [B]. [ISBN 978-0415264860 in different formats: hardcover, paperback, e-book.] [Reprint of 1963e] (2005a) Schön, D.A. 'The Crisis of Confidence in Professional Knowledge', in N. Stehr and R. Grundmann (eds.) (2005) Knowledge: Critical Concepts London, Routledge, pp.71-83 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0415317368] [Reprint of pp.3-20 of The Reflective Practitioner (1983a)] (2005b) Schön, D.A. 'Champions for radical new inventions', in S.A. Zahra, R.E. Buuck (Eds.) (2005) Corporate entrepeneurship and growth Edward Elgar Publishing. pp.427-436 [BC]. [ISBN 978-1845424787] (2006) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 組織學習:理論、方法與實踐, Taipei City (Taiwan): ROC, Yuan-Liou Publishing [B]. [ISBN 9573258315 and 978-9573258315] [transl. Xialin Qing] [Translation into Traditional Chinese of Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice (1996d)] (2008) Schön, D.A. 'From Technical Rationality to Reflection-in-Action.', in Patsy Healey (ed.) (2008), Political Economy, Diversity and Pragmatism. Critical Essays in Planning Theory: Volume 2, Taylor & Francis, pp.365-416 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0754627227] [Extract from (1983a): pp. 21-69, 357-59.] [An e-book version was published in 2017] (2009a) Schön, D.A. 'Designing: Rules, Types and Worlds.', in Hazel Clark & David Brody (eds.) (2009), Design Studies: A Reader, Oxford: Berg Publishers, pp.110-114 [BC]. [ISBN 978-1847882363] [Extract from (1988b)] (2009b) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 'The evolving field of organizational learning', in W.W. Burke, D.G. Lake, and J.W. Paine (eds.) (2009), Organization change: a comprehensive reader, San Francisco (CA): Jossey-Bass, pp.935-953 [BC]. [ISBN 978-0470260562] [Extract from Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. (1996d), Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice, Second version of 1978b] (2010a) Schön, D.A. 反映与回观: 教育与咨询实践的个案研究, Beijing: Educational Science Publishing [B]. [ISBN 978-7504146168 or 978-7504146161] [transl. Lin-Ching Hsia] [Translation into Chinese of The reflective turn: Case Studies In and On Educational Practice (1991a)] (2010b) Schön, D.A. Government as a learning system in C. Blackmore (Ed.) (2010) Social Learning Systems and Communities of Practice, Milton Keynes: Open University. pp.5-16. [BC]. [ISBN 978-184996132-5] [Extract from Beyond the stable state (1973e) pp. 30, 116–179] (2011a) Schön, D.A. Displacements of Concepts, London: Routledge [B]. [ISBN 978-0415513906] [Reprint of 1963e] (2011b) Argyris, C. and Schön, D.A. 組織學習(第2版), Beijing: China Renmin University Press [B]. [ISBN 978-7300144931 and 7300144934] [trans. 姜文波 Jiang Wenbo][Translation into Chinese of Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice (1996d)] (2011c) Schön, D.A. 'A la recherche d’une nouvelle épistémologie de la pratique et de ce qu’elle implique pour l’éducation des adultes', in Jean-Marie Barbier (ed.) Savoirs théoriques et savoirs d’action., Paris cedex 14: Presses Universitaires de France, pp.201-222 [BC]. [ISBN 978-2130589990 ] (2013) Schön, D.A. Uddannelse af den reflekterende praktiker - tiltag til en ny udformning af undervisning og læring for professionelle, Århus: Forlaget Klim [B]. [ISBN 978-8779558113] [Danish translation of Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the Professions (1987a)] (2016) Schön, D.A. 'Educating for Reflection-in-Action', in J.M. Choukroun and R.M. Snow (eds.) (1992), Planning for Human Systems: Essays in Honor of Russell L. Ackoff, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp.142-161 (A digital reprint of 1992d) [e-book]. [ISBN 978-1512801576] (2016) Rein, M. and Schön, D.A. 'Un discurso de políticas que refeja su marco', in R. M. Nogueira (ed.) La evaluación de políticas: Fundamentotos conceptuales y analíticos, Corporación Andina de Fomento/Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina. pp.111-146 [BC]. [ISBN 978-9804220531] (2017) Schön, D.A. 'From Technical Rationality to Reflection-in-Action.', in Patsy Healey (ed.) (2008), Political Economy, Diversity and Pragmatism. Critical Essays in Planning Theory: Volume 2, Taylor & Francis, pp.365-416 (A digital reprint of 2008) [e-book]. [ISBN 978-1315246543] [Extract from (1983a): pp. 21-69, 357-59.] |