Graphic Design - Research |
Conference presentations Below is a list of 134 conference talks and invited presentations. 2024 November 19: ‘Can medicine packaging enhance healthcare?’ Automa+. BGS Medical Events. Zurich, Switzerland. November 18: ‘Digital information about medicines for patients in Europe’ Automa+. BGS Medical Events. Zurich, Switzerland. September 19: ‘Icons and information about medicines.’ Symbol Group. Online. September 17: ‘Klinische studie informatie: Een online ‘informed consent-form’?’ NVFG ClinOpsdag 2024, Houten, The Netherlands. May 22: ‘Information for patients about medicines.’ Pecha Kucha. Pecha Kucha, Brussels, Belgium. May 21: ‘Gezondheidscommunicatie: spreken met gebruikers vóór je een tekst schrijft.’ Heerlijk Duidelijk dag. Taalunie. Den Bosch, The Netherlands. April 22-23: ‘Information for patients about medicines on packaging and package leaflets in Europe.’ Pharmap 2024. BGS Medical Events. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. April 15-16: ‘Informing patients about clinical trials: what is effective?’ Precision in Clinical Trials Summit Europe. Precision Evaluation Global. Munich, Germany. 2023 November 8: ‘Information for patients. Should we reconsider our assumptions?’ CIDI 2023: 11th Information Design International Conference, Online. October 6: ‘How to enable patients to use information on packaging and labeling?’ Brainlinx: 9th Pharma Packaging And Labeling Innovation Forum (PPLIF), Berlin, Germany. June 16: [Panel debate] ‘Could better information lead to better compliance?’ Nederlands Verpakkings Centrum (NVC): Pharmaceutical Packaging Innovation, Oss, The Netherlands. May 25 [Co-presenter: Dr. Mathias Schlögl]: ‘Developing a brochure about delirium: can information reduce anxiety?’ International Institute for Information Design (IIID): VisionPlus conference XIX, Vienna, Austria. May 3: ‘Enabling patients to take medicines.’ TEDx: HSLU, Lucerne, Switzerland. April 6: ‘Medicines information: Are we really enabling patients to take medicines?’ International Institute for Information Design (IIID): Conversation 10. Online. April 4-5: ‘Do we really enable patients to act?’ WorldBI: The 5th Pharma & Device Packaging and Labelling Forum, World BI, Frankfurt, Germany. January 19-20: ‘Do we really enable patients to act appropriately?’ Avlante: The future of Pharma Packaging Industry Forum, Berlin, Germany. 2022 October 11-12: ‘Why should we enable patients to act?’ WorldBI: 4th Pharma and Device Packaging & labelling forum. Basel, Switzerland. October 7-8: ‘Pictograms?’ The Symbol Group: Symbol ’22: Symbol Sourcebook@50. Virtual symposium. September 1-2: ‘Made for patients?’ Brainlinx: 7th Pharma Packaging and labeling innovation forum. München, Germany. July 11-15: ‘Printed information about medicines: empowering patients or paternalistic piffle?’ Sharp: 2022. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. July 7-9: ‘Pictograms for patients: two case studies?’ ICTVC: 8. Thessaloniki, Greece. June 24: ‘Effectivity of pictograms on medicine packaging’, Annual meeting Pharmaceutical packaging Innovation. NVC, Gouda, Netherlands. March 28: ‘Designing plain language?’ SimpleText: 13th Round Table, online. 2021 May 11-13: ‘Do patients really like incomprehensible and unusable information?’ (Why can’t taking pills be a pleasure?)’. Clarity International, the Center for Plain Language, and Plain Language Association International (PLAIN): Access for all: Plain Language as a Civil Right. Online. 2019 July 9-10: ‘Medicine information leaflets. Are we just printing waste or do they really support patients?’. Print Networks & Centre for Printing History & Culture: Dregs, Dross, and debris: the art of transient print. John Moores University. Liverpool, UK. June 19-21: ‘Pictophilia: benign but chronic? Why do we believe in medical pictograms?’ ICTVC 7. Patras, Greece. May 9-10: ‘Making understandable information for patients.’ GLC Europe: PP&L 7.0. Seventh Annual Pharma Packaging and Labelling Forum. Prague, Czech Republic. February 22: ‘Pictophilia: benign but chronic?’ Lindgrün: Couch Dialog. Berlin, Germany. 2018 September 9: ‘An information design pathology: what causes information design diseases?’ IIID international symposium: Information Design problems and solutions. University of Bath, Bath, UK. September 4-6: ‘Animated instructions for medicines. Assessing quality and effects?’ Sheffield Hallam University: Design4Health conference. Sheffield, UK. June 25-28: [Co-presenters: Robert Harland, Veronika Kelly, Eamon Spelman] ‘Divergence and convergence in graphic design and communication design’. Design Research Society DRS2018: [Conversation CN14]. Limerick, Ireland. February 22-23: ‘Graphic design and visual arguments: about dialogues, persuasion, and common sense?’ EIMAD 2018 conference. Castelo Branco, Portugal. 2017 November 23-24: ‘Enabling patients to act appropriately: the Next steps’. GLC Europe: PP&L 6.0. Sixth Annual Pharma Packaging and Labelling Forum. Vienna, Austria. October 26-27: ‘Teaching research at Masters level: reliable evidence and convincing arguments?’ IIID Vision+ conference: Core competencies - information design in education. Riga, Latvia. September 22-23: ‘Plain language in health: could understandable information improve the use of medicines by patients?’ PLAIN conference. Graz, Austria. 2016 July 7: ‘Information about medicines: providing convincing evidence?’ ICTVC 6. Thessaloniki, Greece. June 28: [Co-presenters: Stella Boess and Luke Feast] ‘Uses of argumentation theory and dialogic methods in the design research process’. Design Research Society DRS2016: A conversation. Brighton, UK. June 22: ‘A patient centric approach to packaging?’. IQPC: Pharmaceutical Packaging and Labelling Summit. Geneva, Switzerland. June 14: [Co-presenter: Marli van der Stelt] ‘Taking a closer look: Regulations and reality’ Informa: MedTech Summit. Brussels, Belgium. April 20: ‘Communication design education: could nine reflections be sufficient?’ Graphic Design Educators Network (GDEN): Pedagogic Research symposium. Loughborough, UK. 2015 December 11: ‘How does packaging affect patients?’ PPIP Europe 2015 2nd Annual Pharma Packaging Innovation Programme. Munich, Germany. December 2: ‘Packaging for patients: Regulations and reality’. EMPACK2015: The future of packaging technology. Mechelen, Belgium. November 27: ‘Informing patients: design, data, dialogues?’. GLC: 4th Annual Pharma Packaging & Labelling Forum. Vienna, Austria. October 29: ‘Regulatory considerations for packaging design’. HCPC conference: Patient friendly pharmaceutical pack design. Frankfurt, Germany. October 28 [Co-presenter: Carien van der Have]: ‘Taking a closer look:regulations and reality’. Informa: The pharmaceutical and medical device labelling summit. Berlin, Germany. October 27: [co-presenter: Carien van der Have] ‘The life of a diabetes patient: improving the readability of pharmaceutical drug labels’. Informa: The Pharmaceutical and Medical Device labelling summit, Berlin, Germany. September 17-20: [co-presenter: Robert Linsky] ‘Getting the right people around the right table: ensuring success in a clear communications project’. PLAIN conference, Dublin, Ireland. September 17-20: [co-presenter: Laura Sahm] ‘Health: communicating clearly about medications’. PLAIN conference, Dublin, Ireland. September 4-6: ‘The influence of visual information on the effects of medicines’. IIID Vision Plus 2015, Birmingham, United Kingdom. May 8: ‘Information about medicines: legally correct, profitable, and enabling patients?’. Pharma Packaging Innovation Programme 2015, Munich, Germany. 2014 November 11-15: ‘Information about medicines: legally correct, profitable, and enabling patients?’. IC•Clear|Clarity, Antwerpen, Belgium. October 28-29: ‘What do patients see and do with packaging and labelling?’. Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical Packaging, Berlin, Germany. October 1: ‘Hoe ontwerpen we begrijpelijke labels op verpakkingen?’. Nederlands Verpakkings Centrum (NVC): MacroPak, Utrecht, The Netherlands. September 11-12: ‘What do patients see and do with packaging and labelling?’. GLC: Packaging and Labelling Summit, Vienna, Austria. June 22-27: ‘Information about medicines for patients in Europe: To impede or to empower?’. HCI International: 3rd International conference on Design, User experience, and Usability (DUXU). Heraklion, Crete, Greece. June 16-19: ‘Graphic design: focus on nine professional reflections’. Design Research Society DRS2014, Umeå, Sweden. June 13: ‘Colour coded: van beeldenmakers en bijsluiters’ Thema avond in het kader van 55 jaar Amsterdams Grafisch Atelier. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 10-11: ‘Information about medicines: What do patients get to see?’. Pharma iQ|IQPC: Pharmaceutical packaging and labeling summit. Basel, Switzerland. March 26-27: ‘Do patients realize what tamper evidence is?’. Fleming Europe: Pharmaceutical packaging and labeling forum. Frankfurt, Germany. March 14: ‘Graphic design? Convincing and worthwhile?’. AIGA Design Educators Conference: Connecting the dots. Cincinnati, US. 2013 October 9-10: ‘Patient information leaflets. What should they look like in an ideal world?’. Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical Labelling. London, UK. July 3-5: ‘Medical packaging for people: Using information about medicines.’. Design4Health. Sheffield Hallam University, UK. June 6-8: ‘Is there a cure for Graphic design dementia?’. ICTVC: University of Nicosia, Cyprus. March 19-20: ‘Better Information, Better Health! Reading and understanding information about medicines.’. Fleming Europe: PharmaPackaging and labeling conference. Berlin, Germany. 2012 October 23-24: ‘Exploring a patient perspective: what a patient really wants from a PIL.’ . Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical labelling and packaging summit. London, UK. February 15: ‘Designing information for patients: Combining legal-, financial- and health-criteria?’. IQPC: PharmaPackaging conference. Berlin, Germany. January 13: ‘Graphic design and research (Love at first sight or an arranged marriage?)’. International Design conference. Katowice, Poland. 2011 October 19-20. ‘Looking at information about medicines: is it really what we want?’ [Seminar] + ‘The visual design of information about medicines.’ [Presentation]. Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical labelling and packaging summit. London, UK. September 11-14. ‘Typography in design curricula.’ . ISType Conference. Istanbul, Turkey. August 28 - 31. ‘Designing information about medicines: the role of visual design.’. SBDI: 5th Information Design international Conference, Florianópolis, Brazil. June 15-16. ‘The Visual design of information about medicines.’. Pharmaceutical Packaging and Labelling summit 2011. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. June 8. ‘Innovative design to convey the message.’. Drug Information Association: Product information forum 2011. London, UK. April 29. ‘Producers, Regulators and Users: balancing conflicting demands in medical information.’. TC Europe: colloquium. Brussels, Belgium. January 26-28. ‘The rhetoric of visual information about medicines.’ . Rhetoric in Society III. Antwerp, Belgium. 2010 December 17-19. ‘Information about Medicines for Patients: What Can We Learn from European Developments in the Last 20 Years?’. VisionPlus 2010. Ahmedabad. India. November 11. ‘Medicijneninformatie: terminale teksten en palliatief design.’. STIC. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. October 21-22. ‘Looking at information about medicines: is it really what we want?’ [Seminar] and ‘The visual design of information about medicines.’ [Presentation]. Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical labelling and packaging summit. London, UK. October 12-13. ‘Information about medicines: legal and visual arguments?’ [Presentation] and + ‘Visual arguments.’ [Seminar]. Clarity2010. Lisbon, Portugal. June 19. ‘Graphic design and visual argumentation: a practical theory.’ . International Conference on Typography and Visual Communication (ICTVC): 4th conference. Nicosia, Cyprus. April 20. ‘Visual information about medicines for patients: Designing for Don Quixote?’. Ljubljana, Slowenia. March 1. ‘De vormgeving van informatie over medicijnen.’. Rotary club. Tilburg, The Netherlands. January 11-15. ‘Visual information about medicines for patients: Harmless mixture or toxic potion?’ (keynote). Responsibility in Graphic design. Katowice, Poland. 2009 November 20-21, Invitational conference on ‘Design thinking.’ Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia. October 28. Informa Life Sciences: Pharmaceutical labelling and packaging summit. London, UK. March 20. ‘On Graphic Design: listening to the reader?’. (Inaugural lecture). AKV|St. Joost. Breda, The Netherlands. May 15. ‘Het ontwerpen van informatie: versiering of noodzaak?’ . Rotary club. Antwerpen, Belgium. 2008 August 25-29. ‘Information about medicines for patients.’. InfoBula project. Curitiba, Brazil. July 10-11. ‘Snapshot of a professional practice. Graphic design in a medium sized city’ . New Views. London, UK. June 25-27. ‘Information for patients: designing regulations before designing artifacts.’ . Application of Information Design 2008. Eskilstuna, Sweden. June 13. ‘Grafisch ontwerpen in Breda?’. Graphic Design Museum: Character: designers and personality. Breda, The Netherlands. June 2. ‘Het ontwerpen van informatie: versiering of noodzaak?’. Rotary club. Breda, The Netherlands. 2007 November 8. ‘Het ontwerpen van informatie: versiering of noodzaak?’ . Rotary club. Roosendaal, The Netherlands. September 25-26. ‘Evaluating the response to the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) requirements.. Pharmaceutical Labelling & Packaging Summit 2007. Brussel, Belgium. July 5-7. ‘Measuring the quality of information about medicines: is design really benign?’ . IIID Conference: Vision Plus 12: Information Design – Achieving measurable results. Schwarzenberg, Austria. June 18-24. ‘The rhetoric of information about medicines.’ . 3rd international conference on Typography and visual communication: From verbal to graphic. University of Macedonia. Thessaloniki, Greece. May 29-30. ‘The readability testing of Package inserts: sensible and sensitive?’. VisionGain conference: Pharmaceutical packaging & Labelling congress. April 11-13. ‘Information for People About Medicines: Why is it so Difficult to Swallow.’. EAD Conference: Dancing with disorder: design, discourse and disaster. Izmir, Turkey. March 29-30. ‘The rhetoric of information about medicines.’. IDA Conference, Greenwich, UK. 2006 January 9-10. ‘Designing methods to enable people.’. Agence pour la promotion de la création industrielle: Challenges of design promotion in Europe conference. Paris, France. January 26. ‘Meeting the user readability testing requirements of the PIL.’. IIR Conference: Complying with the new Medicines Legislation. London, UK. February 28. ‘Enabling people to act appropriately.’. Patient Information Forum: Producing effective information for patients: the key issues. Manchester, UK. September 18-21. ‘Meeting the user readability testing requirements of the PIL.’, IIR Conference: Complying with the new Medicines Legislation. London, UK. 2005 July 7-9. ‘Health related information design.’. IIID: Needs, trends and themes for information design.Vienna, Austria. November 23 – 25. ‘Meeting the user readability testing requirements of the PIL.’ and ‘Usability testing.’ [Workshop]. IIR Conference: Labelling and packaging 2005 summit. London, UK. 2004 January 22- 24. ‘Information about medicines for patients.’. Tilburg University: Document Design conference. Tilburg, The Netherlands. March 19. ‘Information about medicines for patients.’. University of Washington: Visual design for an aging population. St Louis, USA. June 24-29. ‘Information for patients: Type matters ...’. ICTVC2. International conference on typography and visual communication. University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. November 25. ‘Information about medicines for patients.’. Event STC Belgium chapter, Elewijt, Belgium. September 14-17. ‘Observing people and medical writing.’. EACH: International conference on communication in healthcare. Brugge, Belgium. September 29-30. ‘Resolving conflicts among user requirements, regulations and technology.’. E-labeling first: toward accessible medication information technology. Philadelphia, USA. October 18-20. ‘Eurotypography: Setting standards?’. Bad type. St Bride Institute. London, UK. December 1-2. ‘Resolving conflicts among user requirements, regulations and technology.’ . E-labeling first: toward accessible medication information technology. Philadelphia, USA. 2003 March 5-7. ‘Usability testing of product information.’. Drug Information Association DIA: 15th annual Euromeeting ‘e-Ternal medical progress’. Rome, Italy. May 1-4. ‘Producers, regulators and users: balancing conflicting demands.’ . University of Alberta: Communicational spaces. Edmonton, Canada. May 28-29. ‘Balancing type.’. Institute of Technology, Chicago: 2byTwo: Growing a community of design practice. Chicago, USA. May 30-31.‘Four reasons why visual information for patients is problematic.’ . Institute of Technology, Chicago: 2byTwo: Preparing for the future of knowledge presentation. Chicago, USA. September 8-11. ‘Designing information for patients.’. SBDI Information Design International Conference. Recife, Brazil. 2002 August 28. ‘Information Design.’. Procomm. Brussels, Belgium. June 26-30. ‘Balancing types: texts in annual reports.’. ICTVC - International conference on Typography & visual communication. Thessaloniki, Greece. February 4-5. ‘Visual presentation investigated.’. DIA Workhop: Readability testing and information for patients: the evolving regulatory regime. London, UK. March 5. ‘Readability.’ . DIA Euromeeting: The patient is waiting. Basel, Switzerland. March 25. ‘Making information usable and understandable.’. TCeurope: Barrier free access to technical information. Brussels, Belgium. 2000 July 10. ‘Testing doubts.’, IDA conference: InfoDesign 2000. Coventry, UK. October 30-31. ‘Visual presentation investigated.’. DIA conference: Readability testing. The regulator regime around patient package inserts. Brugge, Belgium. November 6-7. [Co-presenter: Piet Westendorp]. ‘Functions of arrows in instructional illustrations.’. IIID Expert forum on manual design. Eskilstuna, Sweden. 1999 [Co-presenter: Piet Westendorp] ‘Illustrations in user instructions.’. IIID Vision Plus 6 conference. Vienna, Austria. 1997 February 4. ‘Vormgeving.’. Doe-STIC. Utrecht, The Netherlands. May 29. ‘The visual presentation of patient package inserts.’. ITRI-seminar, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK. December 18. ‘De wetenschapper als schrijfadviseur.’. CLCN-symposium. Delft University. Delft, The Netherlands. 1995 November 13-15. ‘Does a difference make a difference?’. STC, STIC, Tekom: Forum 95. Dortmund, Germany. 1994 September 26-30. ‘The graphic presentation of patient package inserts.’. University of Utrecht: International symposium Public graphics. Lunteren, The Netherlands. 1993 April 28. ‘The graphic presentation of information.’. University of Ghent Medical school, Heymans Institute of Pharmacology: From Belgian patient package inserts to European user package leaflets. Ghent, Belgium. April 4-7. [co-presenter: Dr A. Paran] ‘Squaring the circle.’. IATEFL: 27th International Annual conference. Swansea, UK. 1992 May 13-14. The missing link. Patient education programmes in principle and practice. PCC Europe: The R&D of patient education. London, UK. |
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